During this week’s thinkings session, a thought popped up in my brain. It was about World War 3. If you follow history and geopolitics, you might have heard a rumor that 3rd world war will be fought for oil or another rumor which suggests that it will be against the Islam. Whichever you believe there is a common thing in these two rumors and that is Arab countries and Asia. and today we will discuss all these rumors and why role of India is crucial in it.
When we look at the patterns of the World War, we will notice that whatever was the reason told to the public but in core it is always about controlling the world. The core idea of whole world war thing is that someone tries to capture the whole world and then all of a sudden, a country comes as a hero and save the world from it. It was the case with World War 1 and also with the World War 2. But we know that it was about controlling the world and being the superpower.
What next World War will be like?
So, what it has to do with the next world war? and what would be the reason for next world war? When we combine the rumors and the history of world war we will start to get a picture. You will notice that due to oil the Arab countries are getting super rich and powerful. Rich and powerful people of world are migrating to Arab countries like Dubai. Why? because it is very easy to do business from there. There you will not find unnecessary interference from western governments and markets like India and manufacturing hubs like China are also close there. Thus, it is good for them to be there. Because of these benefits the center of power is transferring towards the Arab countries.
OfCourse, US won’t like this happening and some big companies which are running the USA are also not happy because Arabs are getting richer than those. To stop this there might be a super plan by the USA and western countries to answer all of these things. The major thing is that USA has lost its significance and India & China are now the next big player of the world. When the WW 3 starts, and it goes according to the things i have mentioned then the first thing will happen is the war between India and Pakistan or Bangladesh over Hindu Muslim conflict. Anyone who is in the opposition of India will be soon supported by China. Just after this NATO will give a statement that they are with India which will trigger Russia and Russia will start supporting China and other.
Who will participate?
Now we will have 2 parties for WW3. First one is China, Russia, Pakistan and Bangladesh and another will be India and most western countries supporting from outside. Because this is religious war so Arab countries will come in support of Muslim Alliance.
After the War ends, the major competitors of western world will be destroyed. India and China will damage each other very much, Arab countries and their money will be doomed. Russia might be survivor but will already have taken damage. Now only western countries will be only power for another century.